公司歷史有多久? How long is the company history? or When was the company estabished?
當初怎會想要製造此產品?Why did you want to manufacture this product at that time?
當初花了多久時間研發?How long did it take in research and development?
公司全部產品都是自製?或委外代工?Do you manufacture all the products by yourself? or by OEM?
過程中有沒有遇到什麼困難?Are you facing any difficulties during the process?
有沒有失敗過?Did you have failed experience?
如何解決所遇到之困難?How did you resolve the problem?
公司研發團隊所占比例?How many does the research and development team account for?
公司銷售額?How about the company revenue?
公司產品市占率?How about the product market share?
如何拓展海外市場?How did you expand to overseas market?
每年投入研發費用?How much did you spend in research and development each year?
有無特殊專利?Are there any special patents?
公司最大成本為何?What is the highest cost within this company?
此產品設計之理念為何?What is the principle of the product design?
製造此產品所需要時間?How long does it takt to manufacture this product?
未來有什麼計劃?Is there any plan in the future?
是否會切入其它市場?Will you penetrate to other market?
現在是否有面臨什麼問題?Are you facing any problems at this moment?