這些資訊網站上面都有. 要有耐心找.
ASTM C778的比重 : 沒有
沒有規定比重. 有規定必須幾乎為純石英質. (比重 = 石英的比重 )
ASTM C778的粒徑分布 : 有
ASTM C778標準砂有2種 :
1. 20-30砂 (20–30 sand)
粒徑分布 (過篩%)
16號篩 100
20號篩 85 - 100
30號篩 0 - 5
2. 級配砂 (graded sand)
粒徑分布 (過篩%)
16號篩 100
30號篩 96 - 100
40號篩 65 - 75
50號篩 20 - 30
100號篩 0 - 4
3.1.1 20–30 sand, n—standard sand, predominantly graded
to pass a 850-μm (No. 20) sieve and be retained on a 600-μm
(No. 30) sieve.
3.1.2 graded sand, n—standard sand, predominantly graded
between the 600-μm (No. 30) sieve and the 150-μm (No. 100)
3.1.3 standard sand, n—silica sand, composed almost entirely
of naturally rounded grains of nearly pure quartz, used
for preparing mortars in the testing of hydraulic cements.
4. Requirements
4.1 Sand shall meet the requirements of Table 1 with respect
to grading, source of sand,
2013-09-02 07:39:52 補充:
ASTM C778沒有規定標準砂砂粒的比重.
ASTM C778有規定 : 標準砂必須為矽砂, 幾乎全部為天然的圓球形顆粒, 接近純石英質(nearly pure quartz).
( 石英的比重 = 2.65 )
本文來自: https://tw.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20130820000010KK04260&p=%e8%b3%87%e8%a8%8a%e5%a7%94%